Friday, 20 August 2021

"Rydzyk and Friends"

Who is Tadeusz Rydzyk? A Polish priest and powerful media mogul. He, through his outlets, and his sect-like follower group, called by its founder the family of Radio Maryja, TV Trwam, and his newspaper Nasz Dziennik, has wide audinces in Poland and around the world. Opinions voiced on them have the potential to influence outcomes of elections and consequently to change the course of history, as we now know from the last election in Poland, his home country. The publication of Tomasz Piatek’s 2-volume book, “Rydzyk and Friends” makes clear the depth of Rydzyk’s ties to Russia. It argues that it is time to take a look at the “father-director" himself, his circle of friends and the projects created by them. On the surface Rydzyk’s message has no overt Russian reference points. But on closer examination it becomes clear how aligned it is with the anti-Western, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-liberal propaganda of Putin’s Russia. The aggressive Putin propaganda media machine is like an octopus with tentacles reaching into many corners, often unexpected. And although it seems that Rydzyk’s Torun broadcast channel is an unlikely ally of Russia it may in fact be working as one. Piatek’s revelations of hidden links between this Polish Catholic media evangelist and Putin’s Russia suggests that “father-director” Rydzyk may be a willing tool of an aggressive regime. In addition to a visit by a Russian delegation to his home base in Torun, Poland in the 1990’s Rydzyk has been favoured with military broadcast frequencies for his Radio Maryja communications channel. This allows him that bring his messages to a worldwide audience. As reported on this blog in the past, Putin’s propaganda campaign against the West includes an “alternative TV channel called RT (abbreviated from Russia Today to somewhat conceal its purpose). RT bills itself as “neither right nor left. Whatever it is not, RT is definitely 100% pro-Putin, albeit mainly by avoiding any criticism of the now notorious regime that is its sponsor. The prominent western presenters, like Chris Hedges, hired by RT to deliver its message are either improbably naïve or cynical about the roles they are being paid to play. Unlike Rydzyk they are definitely on the Kremlin payroll. To give Rydzyk a chance to state the falseness of the suspicions about him an enquiry should be called to clear the air.

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